Friday, May 8, 2009

Doughnut Burger? 05-08-2009

I just read that my favorite Japanese doughnut chain, Mister Donut (Osaka represent!) collaborated with Mos Burger and created a Doughnut Burger called "Mosdo." There are two versions to this mysteriously gross sounding meal: One just appears to be a burger in the shape of a doughnut. The other is a doughnut sandwich that looks like a burger. Cute. They'll be available on May 12th all over in Japan. Now, how do I convince my vegan mother in Osaka to try this for me?


Anonymous said...

Hmm, somewhere in the South. I'm thinking Texas initially, has a burger that lay in between two donuts. Krispy Kreme donuts that is. So this sounds a lot better than that to me at least. Donut shaped burgers sound lovely.

Unknown said...

Jenn's right - Paula Deen calls it 'the lady burger' and uses a krispy kreme donut as a bun, and tops the burger with a fried egg.

Yosh. O said...

Holy crap. You're right.

Compared to this, "Mosdo" sounds quite healthy.